Love, Lucy: Your friend has a drug problem, now what?

Illustration by Max Choi-Henslee

Love, Lucy is the New School Free Press’ weekly advice column, where writers anonymously share thoughtfully researched solutions to your questions about life. Talking to a close friend about an unhealthy habit of theirs can be incredibly difficult — especially if it’s an actual addiction. See what the Free Press’s in-house advice gal has to say about the matter in this week’s edition of Love, Lucy.

How the war in Ukraine is impacting New School students

Managing schoolwork and everyday life can be hard. With the ongoing war in Ukraine, students with ties to the country have to worry about what’s going on abroad on top of everything else. Illustration by Caitlin Du

New School students with ties to Ukraine balance academic work with advocating for those impacted by the invasion. As the world focuses on the devastation Ukrainians are facing,…