What we can learn from Rory’s gap semester in ‘Gilmore Girls’

Photo illustration by Vesta Weed. Source: Warner Bros. Discovery

There is a common stigma around gap years, something that even “Gilmore Girls” fans are not immune to considering the excessive slander Rory received for taking time off. We can learn a lot from Rory. In fact, according to The Wall Street Journal, 90% of students who take a gap year return to school by the end of their time off, making Rory no different from the rest of us.

Rory Gilmore is no role model in matters of the heart

Photo illustration by Leo Preston. Source: January Media

With Valentine’s Day on the horizon and Punxsutawney Phil’s prediction of better weather coming soon, it’s time for us “Gilmore Girls” fans to turn off our yearly rewatch. It’s tempting, I know, to binge and live in the stunning warmth of Lorelai Gilmore’s charm and wit, but at this time of year, being exposed to her daughter’s tumultuous relationships can only hurt your state of mind. Rory Gilmore is no role model in matters of the heart. In fact, she may be the only heroine I’ve ever known to make every wrong decision put in front of her.