Frugalicious Mamas wants to keep The New School and NYC community fed sustainably

Frugalicious Mamas’ food drive box is located in the University Center Dining Hall. Photo by Pepi Ng

Frugalicious Mamas (@frugaliciousmamas on Instagram), founded by New School students Pepi Ng and Angie Li, is centered around sharing sustainability practices and keeping New School students fed by…

Community agreements are essential in every classroom

Community agreements matter, and they must maintain a consistent presence from elementary school through higher education to make the necessary impact on students’ academic journey.

Illustration by Leo Preston.

Community agreements should not be reserved for kindergarten classrooms so everyone will sit on their bottoms and stop eating the paste. These agreements aim to keep teachers and students accountable for their words and actions — working to maintain the most productive and positive learning environment possible. Sounds like a dream, right? 

Lang students offer community and advice through peer connection program

Lang Peer-to-Peer Connect student volunteers answer the questions and concerns of passersby in the Lang cafe last semester. The student-founded program piloted in the fall and continues to serve students this semester, combating the lack of community and access to advising services that students at Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts have been experiencing. Illustration by Caitlin Du

Lang Peer-to-Peer Connect, a student-founded program, is running for a second time this semester after it piloted in the fall. In the middle of the quiet Lang Cafe,…