‘We Are Pussy Riot or Everything is P.R.’: A conversation with the play’s director Mahayana Landowne

Lang College’s Fall 2023 cast of “We Are Pussy Riot or Everything is P.R.” Photo Courtesy of Ariana Guerra

Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts’ annual theater production is right around the corner!  “We Are Pussy Riot or Everything is P.R.” follows the true story of Nadya,…

Broadway musical ‘Six’ is history for the living

“Six,” a captivating musical about the six women who were married to Henry the VIII in the 1500s, is playing at the Brooks Atkinson Theatre at 256 W. 47th St. through September. The show ties the gruesome 14th century tale with a refreshing feminist take on how the stories of women are told today. Photo by Emma Donelly-Higgins

‘Six: The Musical’ hands the mic over to the women known as the six wives of Henry VIII. More than six months after the popular musical “Six: The…

Affordable Theater: ‘Space Dogs’ at the MCC Theater

Van Hughes and Nick Blaemire star in their new original comedy musical, “Space Dogs.” The two-man show about the Soviet dogs who became the first creatures to orbit the earth during the 1950s is playing at the MCC Theater through March 20. Photo by Tamara Kormornick

Amidst the current face off between Presidents Vladimir Putin and Joe Biden is a fresh take on the long-standing tensions between the world powers in the new original…

“Fragments, Lists, and Lacunae”: New School Professors Take the Classroom to the Stage

Judith Butler playing the professor in the performance piece "Fragments, Lists and Lacunae".

The name Carlos Santana is uttered by the professor and the class breaks into a knee-bending, hip-twisting dance. The performers  are dressed like college students—beanies, vintage jeans, flannel…