A New Kind of Network: Serving the People Plans Virtual Exhibition by Art Students at Parsons, RISD, Cooper Union, and Other Schools Around the World

BFA student showcase submission by Parsons Student Valeria Mancera. "Planes of Perspective I". Courtesy of Ben Werther and the organizers of the BFA Student Showcase

When colleges and universities around the world closed because of the COVID-19 crisis, many graduating arts students faced canceled art shows, exhibitions and opportunities to showcase their college…

How to Pass the Time on Quarantine: Join Student Leadership and Involvement’s Virtual Programming this “Study Week”

digital event flyer posted on @newschoolstudentlife instagram. Flyer created by Elan Ma.

New School campus locations have closed to slow the spread of COVID-19, but Student Leadership and Involvement under the Student Organizations office has announced various virtual events to…