New Yorkers show up for abortion rights following Supreme Court leak

Thousands of protesters gather in Foley Square last night to protest the expected overturn of Roe v. Wade by the United States Supreme Court. If finalized, this decision would likely result in 26 states banning abortions, according to the Guttmacher Institute. Photo by Emma Donelly-Higgins

Protests are being held across the country in response to the leaked draft opinion in which the U.S. Supreme Court voted to overturn Roe v. Wade. New Yorkers…

Expected overturn of Roe v. Wade and Oklahoma abortion restrictions leaves people fearful for the future

First-year College of Performing Arts students Vega Armstrong, Niranjani Reddi and Sawyer Ingram protest against abortion restrictions in Washington Square Park this evening. Americans across the country have spent the day fighting against the possible overturn of Roe v. Wade. Photo by Tara Lamorgese

People around the U.S. share their concerns as the standing of Roe v. Wade hangs in the balance and states tighten abortion restrictions. Content warning: This article discusses…

Texas judge blocks Gov. Greg Abbott’s anti-trans directive

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott issued a directive that would investigate families that provide their children gender-affirming care as “child abuse” in February. Judge Amy Clark Meachum blocked the investigations on March 11, calling Abbott’s actions unconstitutional. Illustration by Summer Safi

Gender-affirming care cannot lawfully be considered ‘child abuse’ according to ruling early this month. On Feb. 22, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott ordered the Texas Department of Family and…

BIPOC and people in larger bodies aren’t getting the treatment they need for eating disorders

The New School Free Press explores how treatment for eating disorders is exclusionary. The selective treatments are exclusionary towards BIPOC and people in larger bodies. Illustration by Caitlin Du

Healthcare professionals and New School students share insight on how eating disorder treatment can become more inclusive for BIPOC and individuals in larger bodies. Content warning: This article…

Crowds rally across New York for end to Russian invasion of Ukraine

Protesters like Mariana Kovalchuk (left) proclaim their opposition to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine outside the New York Russian consulate on Feb. 24. Russia’s invasion of the country has landed them in hot water, with NATO countries strongly opposing the war. Photo by Christian Richey

Thousands have rallied across New York City to protest Russia’s invasion of Ukraine since it began almost three weeks ago. Protests ranged from solemn gatherings outside the Russian…

Thousands to March from Washington Square Park to Union Square Park Saturday in Nationwide Call for Reproductive Rights

Art by Chelsea Sarabia. Photos by Luigi Morris

Thousands of New Yorkers are expected to participate in a march for reproductive rights on Saturday, Oct. 2, at 2 p.m. as part of a nationwide campaign hosted…