Koreatown’s Woorijip: A home away from home

At Woorijip, they stock fresh food daily on a line of storage room like metal shelves, creating a gorgeous and enticing display of packaged soups, rice plates, and fish to feast your eyes upon as you enter. Photo by Clementine Hecker

Restaurant Diary is a column where food editor Clementine Hecker reviews restaurants that stand out among the millions of options in New York City’s restaurant scene On West…

Restaurant Diary: Rosemary’s simple charm

Rosemary’s large open dining room sits on the corner of Greenwich Ave and West 10th St. and captures the light and cozy atmosphere that defines the neighborhood’s style at a much larger scale. Photo by Clementine Hecker

Restaurant Diary is a column where food editor Clementine Hecker reviews restaurants they find noteworthy that stand out among the millions of options in NYC’s restaurant scene. Being…