Students occupy The New School University Center

Following the university's announcement that all employees who continue to strike will lose access to wages, including university contributions to health insurance and retirement benefits, students occupied the University Center at 63 Fifth Ave. this afternoon. Photo by Karen Arrobo

Students have occupied The New School’s University Center at 63 Fifth Ave. following the university’s decision to withhold pay to all striking employees. In an email sent on…

Behind Gnarls: The backstory of The New School’s climate change-fleeing, Vogue’ology-loving narwhal mascot

The Student Leadership and Involvement office at The New School rebranded the mascot into Gnarls Narwhal at the beginning of the fall 2021 semester. The office intended to create a more fitting mascot for The New School. Illustration by Caroline McKenzie

Get to know the real Gnarls. The New School mascot, Gnarls Narwhal, has always remained a mystery across campus. However, with a fresh new look and a more…

Lizzy McAlpine’s love can kill you in just five seconds flat

Lizzy McAlpine released her second album “Five Seconds Flat” on all major streaming platforms on April 8. The indie singer expands her sound further in her new album. Collage by Caroline McKenzie

Lizzy McAlpine releases her second album titled ‘Five Seconds Flat.’ Budding artist Lizzy McAlpine released her sophomore album titled “Five Seconds Flat” on April 8 and it did…

The Gramercy Theatre hosts a Taylor Swift DJ party

A Taylor Swift DJ set was played at Gramercy Theater on March 4 for ages 16 and up. The themed dance party was put together by the company If You Know It Sing It, who holds multiple kinds of themed events. Illustration by Lilly Gorman

New York City’s Biggest Swifties gather for a concert-like experience. The Gramercy Theatre hosted a sold-out “Look What You Made Me Do – The Taylor Swift DJ Night”…

O CAFE is out. Café New is open for business.

New School President Dwight A. McBride and mascot Gnarls celebrate the reopening of Café New in the Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts building on Thursday. After two years, the cafe reopened under New School management. Photo by Caroline McKenzie

After a two-year break, the Eugene Lang College of Liberal Arts cafe space is back open under New School management. New School President Dwight A. McBride celebrated the…