How to Win at Registration


We’re quickly approaching that time in the semester where we start thinking about next semester. If you haven’t already, here are some helpful tips (that your advisor may or may not have told you on how to get the best schedule for next semester.

  1. Set That Alarm!
    • Before registration begins on November 5th, you will receive an email from the Registrar’s Office letting you know when your registration time and date is. Your date and time are based on how many credits you have, so the more credits you have, the earlier your time is, and vice versa. (You can also check here for your registration time.)
    • When you get that email, set an alarm! The earliest registration time is 8 a.m., so make sure you set as many clocks as you need to get up early. Plan ahead to make sure you’re not doing anything too crazy when the time comes — — this is not a time for multi-tasking! — and set reminders for yourself for your date and time. Find yourself a nice and quiet place to focus on getting the classes you want.
  2. Check DegreeWorks Ahead of Time
    • As annoying as DegreeWorks may be, it is a very helpful tool to figure out what classes you should be taking for your major requirements. On the homepage, you can track how close you are to finishing your degree. Under “What If,” you can see the requirements for other potential majors and minors. The “Registration Checklist” is where you can see what classes and requirements you still need to take in order to graduate.
    • Pro tip: DegreeWorks is really useful if you’re a second-year or once you’ve decided on a major. It’ll be easy to track how many credits you’ve earned so far and help you decide how many credits you should take each semester. You should check DegreeWorks about two to three weeks in advance of your registration time. So, check it now!
  3. Browse the Course Catalog
    • The Course Catalog offers essential  information you need to know about undergraduate and graduate New School classes–for Parsons Paris and online too. Take a look at the course descriptions, where the class is offered, how many sections of the course are offered and which classes are online. Filter your search by checking off “Spring 2019” and the school you’re in (i.e. Lang, Parsons, COPA). It also tells you if you need prerequisites, corequisites or permission to take a class.
  4. Make a Plan
    • Of course you should plan out which and how many classes you want to take. But what is the best way to do that? Think about how many credits each class is worth, how many times a week it meets and see how it fits in with your other schedules (work, volunteer activities and whether you are a morning person or not). The best way to do this is by writing down the four-digit Course Reference Number (CRN) for each class. Once it is your time to register, just type in the CRNs, and you’ll be ready to go. Each class has its own unique CRN, so just make sure to double check that you have the right numbers for the classes you want to take.  
    • Also, talk with friends and compare schedules to decide if you want to be in the same classes, or just to make sure you have time in between classes to hangout during the week. Remember there’s more to college than just going to class!
  5. Have a Plan B!
    • As much as we all want our first choices to work out, there will be times when they don’t. Many classes fill up quickly (especially core major requirements). You’re going to need a backup plan. Talk to friends, people in your major or even a department head to see which classes don’t fill up as quickly. Think about the best alternatives to your first choice that you’ll be happy with just in case the class is full.
    • Don’t forget to think about minors and internships! In order to declare your minor, you must have taken at least one course towards it. This semester could be a great start to pursuing your minor. If you are planning to do an internship next semester, you can receive credit for it even if it’s paid. This could be a great class filler if you’re unsure what to take or your top choices are filled.
    • Get up, gear up, stay hydrated! Happy Registering!

Illustration by Olivia Heller