Seniors Are Ready To GTFO – Graduate The Fuck Out


Every May The New School says goodbye to a group of students who have spent the last four years cultivating themselves and their craft inside its walls. Whether this group of seniors is ready to start their lives outside the school or whether they’re clinging to the next six months for dear life, the reality is that May will soon come and they will be thrust out into the real world with The New School in their rear view mirror.

With approximately 200 days left in their last year, a selection of seniors from the class of 2017 took a break from their mentally, physically, and emotionally draining senior capstones, thesis projects, and final performances, to reflect on their time at The New School.


Dorothy Cruz, Communication Design, Parsons
“Oh yeah. I’m so done with studying!”


Bradi Masci, Illustration, Parsons
“If I could do it all over again, I would probably focus on what I like doing than what I think I should be doing.



Mead Ryder,  Directing, Drama
“Don’t buy weed in Washington Square. You’ll get ripped off.”


Brandon Petulla, Photography, Parsons
“Try to get your money’s worth at this school.”


Abbie Miller, Photography, Parsons
“My plan is to honestly apply to as many places as I can.”


Mako Ikematsu, Architectural Design, Parsons
“A good chaotic. There’s just a lot of things happening being centered in New York City.”


Everett Goldner, Liberal Arts, Adult Bachelor’s Program in Public Engagement
“I need to take a breath and find myself in a life that just does not have school in it and then decide.”


Rebecca McCarthy, Literary Studies / Journalism, Lang
“I went here because I was an idiot and I was 19. I felt like I got tricked with this whole like, ‘It’s not a normal college!’ y’know? It’s just basically like a branding exercise.”


Pin Siriviroj, Fashion Design, Parsons
“Go have fun. Experience a lot of things. Go outside. There are so many things to do in New York.”


Alex Green, Photography, Parsons
“The New School wasn’t better or worse from my expectations, just different from my expectations… how those things didn’t match up provided frustration initially, but I’ve accepted it now.”


Andrew Poirier, Contemporary Music, Lang
“Never be passive. Advocate for yourself and your ideal situation.”


Owen Deustch, Literature, Lang
“I don’t know if I would’ve been a literature major.”





Photos: Julia Himmel

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Julia is the current Senior Photo Editor for the Free Press. She is in her senior year at Parsons, majoring in Photography and minoring in Art History. Julia is originally from Boston and is patiently awaiting her return there after college. She is a wiener dog and pizza enthusiast and finds herself most at home when she is near the ocean.

By Julia Himmel

Julia is the current Senior Photo Editor for the Free Press. She is in her senior year at Parsons, majoring in Photography and minoring in Art History. Julia is originally from Boston and is patiently awaiting her return there after college. She is a wiener dog and pizza enthusiast and finds herself most at home when she is near the ocean.